Hope to rock out with you this Sunday 12/15!!!
You’re Invited! Are you a visual artist or performer and would like to share your talent for a good cause?
Purchase original local artists artworks and crafts? Looking for a cool potluck party with warm peeps, music, and art to enjoy?
Don’t miss our special event in Downtown Hayward. Please join us, we welcome YOU to be part of our Art Family!
“ReBirth: From Dark Comes Light” Winter Solstice Art Party 🌚🌞 A Holidaze Extravaganza Fete!
Sunday December 15, 2024
3 PM to 7 PM
Sun Gallery
1015 E Street, Hayward CA 94541
Help support, local artists, makers, musicians, poets, and performers, and help us maintain our beloved nonprofit Sun Gallery located in Downtown Hayward. BYO food & drink potluck.
Featuring: Live musical performances by Henry Call & Andrew Kong Knight.
Members Art and other guest artists TBA.
Sun Gallery 1015 E St. Hayward, CA 94541
Sunday December 15th from 3pm to 7pm
Members get in Free! $5 suggested donation entry fee.
See you there! Much Peace, love, & light to you. ❤️🔥🤗 Hugs, Andy
FOR MORE INFO EMAIL: akongknight@gmail.com